AB149. Physiotherapists in fracture clinic: patent & staff opinions of a novel pilot study
Session 11: Orthopaedic Session II

AB149. Physiotherapists in fracture clinic: patent & staff opinions of a novel pilot study

Patrick McCabe, Eilis Fitzgerald, Mohamed El Zayat, John Kelly, Barry O’Neill

Sligo University Hospital, Department of Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, Sligo University Hospital, Sligo, Ireland

Background: The presence of dedicated orthopaedic physiotherapists in a fracture clinic is a niche within the Irish orthopaedic setting. This facility allows patients to be seen and assessed by both the orthopaedic team and the physiotherapists in one succinct interaction. It also affords both teams of health care professionals the opportunity to contemporaneously discuss and address any issues that may arise in a time efficient manner therefore optimising the patient experience. We thus set about assessing the patient reported outcomes of this unique service, which was recently implemented in Sligo University Hospital.

Methods: Physiotherapists are currently at all fracture clinics in Sligo University Hospital. We assessed patient reported outcomes and opinions of the service by means of an anonymous, previously validated questionnaire. Staff feedback in both the physiotherapy and orthopaedic departments was also obtained, with opinions on methods of potential service improvement additionally sought.

Results: Initial results indicate that patients are extremely satisfied with this service. Patients recognise and appreciate that their consultation and physiotherapy assessment are dealt with in one efficient interaction rather than the classical, more protracted process. Some issues were raised including relevant follow up in tertiary referral centres however there was an overwhelmingly positive response from all those surveyed

Conclusions: On site physiotherapy in a fracture clinic has both patient reported and health care professional reported and positive outcomes.

Keywords: Trauma; fracture; orthopaedic; physiotherapy

doi: 10.21037/map.2020.AB149
Cite this abstract as: McCabe P, Fitzgerald E, El Zayat M, Kelly J, O’Neill B. Physiotherapists in fracture clinic: patent & staff opinions of a novel pilot study. Mesentery Peritoneum 2020;4:AB149.

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