AB162. 225. Oesophageal oncology service 2010–2015
General Poster Session

AB162. 225. Oesophageal oncology service 2010–2015

Siobhan Rooney1,2, Aoife Quinn1,2, Oliver McAnena1,2, Chris Collins1,2

1Department of Surgery, Galway University Hospital, Newcastle Road, Galway, Ireland;2Faculty of Surgery, National University of Ireland Galway, College Road, Galway, Ireland

Background: Oesophago-gastric cancer is the fifth most-common cancer in Ireland and the United Kingdom. International studies suggest the overall survival of oesophageal cancer is poor, with only about 40% of oesophageal cancer patients surviving three years after diagnosis. Unfortunately, most patients with oesophageal cancer are diagnosed with advanced disease and therefore are not suitable for curative treatment with curative intent.

Methods: We retrospectively collated data in patients who underwent an oesophagectomy with curative intent in Galway University Hospital between Jan 2010 and June 2015.

Results: A total of 84 oesophagectomies were performed for oesophageal cancer during the 5-year study period from September 2010 until June 2015. In total, 77% male, 22% females. Median age 67 years. Five point nine percent in-hospital mortality rates with 4.7% mortality. Disease specific survival at 3 and 5 yrs was 58% and 42% respectively. Median length of stay in hospital 16 days with a median stay of 6 days in intensive care unit. Forty nine percent of patients developed a post-operative complication. Nine point five percent anastomotic leak rate and 50% of patients develop some degree of pulmonary complications. Pathological assessment of resected specimens revealed 7% had positive circumferential margins. Forty point five percent of specimens had a background of Barrett’s oesophagus while two thirds of specimens had >15 lymph nodes identified.

Conclusions: Improved resources and restructuring of cancer services has improved quality of care and outcomes for patients with oesophageal cancer within our tertiary referral center. In-hospital mortality rate has been reduced from 7.9% in 2008 to 5.9% during our study period.

Keywords: Oesophageal; cancer; outcome

doi: 10.21037/map.2019.AB162
Cite this abstract as: Rooney S, Quinn A, McAnena O, Collins C. Oesophageal oncology service 2010–2015. Mesentery Peritoneum 2019;3:AB162.

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