AB214. 48. Patient satisfaction with preoperative assessment clinic
Anaesthesia Poster Session

AB214. 48. Patient satisfaction with preoperative assessment clinic

Susan Hannon, Abigail Walsh

Department of Anaesthesia, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

Background: Preoperative assessment clinics (PAC) coordinate preoperative surgical, anaesthetic, nursing, and laboratory care. Such clinics have been noted to lead to efficiencies in perioperative care, however, patient experience and satisfaction with these clinics is sparsely evaluated. Patients undergoing surgery can be at a significant risk of peri-operative morbidity and mortality owing to a combination of factors including; the nature of the surgery, co-morbidities and advanced age. The PAC allows patients to be stratified in terms of their peri-operative risks and therefore, have the necessary tests and specialist referrals carried out prior to surgery. The clinic also allows for better patient understanding of how to prepare and what to expect on the day of surgery.

Methods: We distributed a questionnaire with thirteen questions regarding patients’ satisfaction with clinical providers and the clinic as a whole. The questions had five Likert scale options that ranged from very satisfied to very dissatisfied with a free text box for further suggestions. The questionnaires were distributed to patients on arrival to clinic by the PAC nurses. Completed questionnaires were posted into a sealed box at reception before leaving the department. The time-period for data collection was 2 months. The data was collected and analysed using Microsoft Office Excel 2003, any free test by patients was also recorded and the audit was discussed with the hospital liaison ethics representative.

Results: A total of 76 questionnaires were returned.

Conclusions: Outcomes of the questionnaire reflects very favourably on the staff in the PAC. The value of a friendly face while delivering patient education must not be under-estimated.

Keywords: Preoperative assessment; satisfaction

doi: 10.21037/map.2018.AB214

Cite this article as: Hannon S, Walsh A. Patient satisfaction with preoperative assessment clinic. Mesentery Peritoneum 2018;2:AB214. doi: 10.21037/map.2018.AB214

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