AB067. 165. Surgical basecamp for surgery undergraduate induction—simulation and high-fidelity immersion alongside cognitive and virtual reality experience
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AB067. 165. Surgical basecamp for surgery undergraduate induction—simulation and high-fidelity immersion alongside cognitive and virtual reality experience

Moataz Khogali1, Debbie Kileen1, Haseeb Khokhar1, Christain Myles2, James Jones2, Ronan A. Cahill1

1Department of Surgery, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland;2Section of Surgery and Surgical Specialities, Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Background: New models of undergraduate teaching are needed alongside advances in surgery. Structured induction for medical students commencing their surgical rotation should maximise the learning opportunity and facilitate transition. We piloted “basecamp” sessions comprising simulated theatre, instrument skills as well as anatomy revision/operative skills experience as an immersive introduction to undergraduate surgery alongside highest fidelity postgraduate training after formal Medical Council Approval.

Methods: Induction for stage III medical students over two days at the Mater Hospital with preceptorship and instruction provided collaboratively by consultants, non-consultant hospital doctors and anatomists. Students rotated through three 90 minutes stations comprising (I) Simulation Theatre (virtual reality immersion, surgical scrub, cognitive experience and consent/postop charting) (II) Laparoscopic (FLS curriculum) and Open Instrument Skills/Knot-tying (III) Anatomy Revisor and Tissue Dissection on Human Cadavers. Postgraduate orthopaedic consultant and trainee study days in the same facility (sawbones and cadaveric joint revision education in collaboration with Tekno Surgical and Medtronic) was used as comparison control group. Attendees were surveyed on completion by standardised questionnaire.

Results: One hundred and eleven students engaged with 73 returning structured questionnaires (66% response rate). Feedback scores detailed broad appreciation and value assignment with anatomy/dissection ranked highest. Narrative feedback indicated high 360° positivity with most wanting frequent re-immersion. Similarly, high ratings were returned by postgraduates.

Conclusions: Induction in this format sets-up useful theatre expectation and exposure as well as enhances intraoperative decision-making understanding while providing vertical integration between preclinical and clinical curricula. Postgraduate training in concert emphases lifelong learning as a fundamental surgical characteristic.

Keywords: Surgery; basecamp; immersion; experience; education

doi: 10.21037/map.2018.AB067

Cite this article as: Khogali M, Kileen D, Khokhar H, Myles C, Jones J, Cahill RA. Surgical basecamp for surgery undergraduate induction—simulation and high-fidelity immersion alongside cognitive and virtual reality experience. Mesentery Peritoneum 2018;2:AB067. doi: 10.21037/map.2018.AB067

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