AB033. 236. Branching out: a pre-loaded approach to complex aortoiliac disease
Vascular/Radiology Session

AB033. 236. Branching out: a pre-loaded approach to complex aortoiliac disease

Nathalie Doolan, Zeeshan Ahmed, Zenia Martin, Prakash Madhavan, Adrian O’Callaghan, Sean O’Neill, Mary Paula Colgan

Department of Vascular Surgery, St. James’ Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

Background: The use of fenestrated and branched technology usually requires a contralateral approach to access and stent the visceral vessels. In patients with occlusive aortoiliac disease it is not always possible to have contralateral iliac access. Pre-loaded endografts overcome this challenge by facilitating the access of two vessels through the main device delivery system.

Methods: We describe three patients with complex aortoiliac disease, necessitating the use of pre-loaded fenestrated devices. Two patients had occlusion of an iliac artery, and the third case had a narrow aortic bifurcation with a low left renal artery. In each case, the device was designed with pre-loaded catheters exiting the renal fenestrations and re-entering the superior mesenteric artery and coeliac artery fenestrations. These catheters allowed through-and-through access to be obtained and facilitated sheaths to be tracked into all four fenestrations.

Results: The technical success was 100%, with cannulation and stenting of all visceral vessels achieved.

Conclusions: Pre-loaded technology has expanded our utilization of fenestrated endografts and would appear to be associated with a shorter operative duration.

Keywords: Fenestrated endovascular aneurysm repair (fenestrated EVAR); preloaded aortic graft

doi: 10.21037/map.2018.AB033

Cite this abstract as: Doolan N, Ahmed Z, Martin Z, Madhavan P, O’Callaghan A, O’Neill S, Colgan MP. Branching out: a pre-loaded approach to complex aortoiliac disease. Mesentery Peritoneum 2018;2:AB033. doi: 10.21037/map.2018.AB033

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