AB029. 185. Sorting the adenomas from the polyps: are we hitting the mark?
ASiT/Clinical GI Session

AB029. 185. Sorting the adenomas from the polyps: are we hitting the mark?

Cherry Cheung, Waqas Ahmed, Alison McHugh, Niamh Foley, Kenneth Oaikhinan, Fiachra Cooke

Department of Colorectal Surgery, University Hospital Waterford, Waterford, Ireland

Background: Polyp detection rate is considered a key performance indicator in quality colonoscopies. The National Polyp Study in the US found a 76% reduction in colorectal cancer in patients who have a colonoscopy and polypectomy. The recommendations in the US are a 25% adenoma detection rate (ADR), and in the UK, the current recommendations are an ADR of >15%, though it is envisaged that this will rise to >20%. A UK study highlighted a national ADR of 15.9%

Methods: A retrospective study was conducted over a 6-month period, using the electronic endoscopy database, Endoraad. The polyp detection rate was ascertained and the histopathology was subsequently correlated. Data was collated in an encrypted database and exported to SPSS for statistical analysis.

Results: A total of 555 colonoscopies were included in this review. More colonoscopies were performed in females (289:266). An overall polyp detection rate (PDR) of 32% was identified. The ADR was 19%. Despite the higher number of females in the study, a higher PDR was seen in males (P=0.042) but this was not significant for the ADR (P=0.119). Older people had a significantly higher ADR (age >50 years, P<0.001) compared with younger people.

Conclusions: The polyp detection rate and more importantly, the ADR in this institution falls within internationally acceptable criteria, and outperforms the UK national average. It is important to note that this institution is a symptomatic and not a screening service. Additionally, international data is consistent with the finding of a higher PDR in males.

Keywords: Colon; polyp; colonoscopy; detection; adenoma

doi: 10.21037/map.2018.AB029

Cite this article as: Cheung C, Ahmed W, McHugh A, Foley N, Oaikhinan K, Cooke F. Sorting the adenomas from the polyps: are we hitting the mark? Mesentery Peritoneum 2018;2:AB029. doi: 10.21037/map.2018.AB029

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