How to cite item

AB090. SOH24AB_047. The efficacy of anchored stand-alone spacers in comparison to conventional cage and plate in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion surgery: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials for clinical and radiological outcomes

	author = {Neil Wu and Aubrie Sowa and Jake McDonnell and Salma Youssef and Luke Turley and Gráinne Cunniffe and Stacey Darwish and Joseph Butler},
	title = {AB090. SOH24AB_047. The efficacy of anchored stand-alone spacers in comparison to conventional cage and plate in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion surgery: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials for clinical and radiological outcomes},
	journal = {Mesentery and Peritoneum},
	volume = {8},
	number = {0},
	year = {2024},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {},
	issn = {2616-2725},	url = {}