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AB029. SOH24AB_096. Health-related quality of life, patient satisfaction and surgical outcomes following deep inferior epigastric perforator reconstruction in low body mass index patients

	author = {Conor Sheahan and Natasha Christodoulides and Amenah Dhannoon and Silvia Marino and Khairun Izlinda Abdul Jalil and Roisin Dolan and Nadeem Ajmal and James Martin-Smith},
	title = {AB029. SOH24AB_096. Health-related quality of life, patient satisfaction and surgical outcomes following deep inferior epigastric perforator reconstruction in low body mass index patients},
	journal = {Mesentery and Peritoneum},
	volume = {8},
	number = {0},
	year = {2024},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {},
	issn = {2616-2725},	url = {}